Waist training
When I began to be interested in fitness I followed a ton of workout pages and I noticed a lot of the women would wear waist trainers. I decided to try it; I purchased my waist trainer for $60. I honestly tried it for a day or 2 and gave up lol. But I woke up today like hey I want to challenge myself and waist train for an entire month! I know a ton of people are against this but I am going to try it anyways. I will be tracking my results; I am already pretty slim but let's see how dramatic this will be. I want to give you guys some tips if you're interested in doing this challenge with me. First, buy a waist trainer that you will feel comfortable in. Start off slow! Try wearing your waist trainer for 1-2 hrs the first day (it might feel uncomfortable but you should not feel like you can't breathe) Slowly increase your time in wearing it by 15-30 mins each day until you can wear it for 8 hrs a day. You might feel crabby (I've been wearing my waist trainer today for about 4 hrs but only because I've waist trained before! And I feel crabby, like I'm hungry but it goes away) but simply remove it or try to ignore it. Also, you can rub vicks on your belly. It will feel a bit intense so just be cautious but you will burn more fat. I am attaching a link that is great on the do's & dont's on waist training. You can always email me if you have questions. http://www.waisttrainerhub.com/dos-and-donts-of-waist-training/
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