I want to talk about people especially girls who tend to slander others. This is probably about the 4x a female comments under my picture saying something that would typically hurt one's feelings. Honestly the word thot, hoe, slut doesn't affect me. Yes, I do take pictures that show skin, maybe too much sometimes but my goal has always been to inspire women to go the natural route to learn to eat better, to lift, and to feel confident with themselves before taking the easy way out and going under the knife. I have been working very hard to look good & to feel good about myself. So today actually this girl commented you should wash your face and I wrote back and I said I do every night, if you're trying to make me feel insecure about myself because I am suffering from acne save it. She then said "your thot poses make you feel secure I'm sure". My acne is out of my control and I am trying my best to deal with it & get rid of it. I was going through a very toxic situation a few months back and I guess the stress appeared on my face. I am not hurt about her comment but rather disappointed that women feel they need to make another woman feel insecure about themselves in order to feel good about themselves. We're all beautiful as cheesy as that sounds & we should never try to slander another woman. To me slandering someone else shows you're actually insecure about yourself. We're suppose to be empowering each other but instead we often call each other these stupid names. Learn to love yourself.
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