"Stop wearing makeup" pay me or shut up

So I've been dealing with acne for the past few months. This literally all started around Id say June or August. Stress can really bring out the worse in you and unfortunately my stress appears on my face. It started with just a few pimples and now my cheeks are all broken out I have a tiny pit of acne on my forehead so don't wait to see a dermatologist. Go asap! I thought I could control it on my own and it only got worse. I do a ton of research on acne like everyday hours a day so that I can understand the root of it and how to get rid of it. But anyways I am on medication, and using a tropical cream that my dermatologist has prescribed for me. Honestly, it did nothing for my face NOTHING! I started using the Aztec clay mask w apple cider vinegar and I also use a toner with apple cider vinegar and chamomile tea. Not sure if I am seeing any improvements. But anyways I use the simplest of makeup oil free organic foundation, neutrogena blemish concealer, blush, mascara and lipstick. I am thorough with removing all my makeup when I workout and before bed. People really think it's just easy to walk out of your house w/o wearing making like they really don't understand how acne messes with your self esteem. I am not leaving my house if I can not wear makeup like I'm just not because I feel ugly and gross. So stop telling me I have to stop wearing makeup unless I get to stay home and you're paying me or passing my classes for me. 


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