Hi everyone,

My name is Sharolyne, I am a 20 year old nutrition major who loves to bake and loves to hit the gym. Well the point of this blog is to help girls and guys as well to feel confident about themselves; I hope to achieve this by posting progress pictures, fitness tips, some healthy recipes and of course my delicious sweets (for cheat day of course!) See me I've struggled with insecurity, most people don't even notice I do a pretty good job hiding it lol. But since the age of 9 is when it all started my best friend's step dad would make fun of my belly, my best friend has always been thinner than me. When I hit 17 and I started noticing that my breast were too small, my bum wasn't big enough and my waist wasn't small enough I started to get depressed all over. I began obsessing over my appearance but only to make it worse because I just began to eat and eat more just causing me to gain more weight. And you know what would suck is that after I would be so upset with myself that I would lock myself up in the bathroom look at myself in the mirror and just cry for hours; I even had thoughts of becoming bulimic or smoking cigarettes because I heard it'll help me lose weight or to try diet pills. I am so glad I didn't take that route, a year and a half later I told myself I would learn to love myself and I would do it the right way so I joined my first gym, Lucile Roberts and I started making better food choices, I even changed my major from business to nutrition because that's how passionate I am about making a difference. I still am a work in progress; till this day I am struggling with body issues and insecurities. I still find myself wanting to take the easy way out by getting surgery or something but I am not, I believe I can do this. I often tend to fall off my gym routine and choose poor food choices, I am human it happens. But the point of this blog is to help motivate you to get in shape and feel great about yourself and I know that with helping others it would me stay motivated. Thank you for reading and lets get confident, this is a journey for both!
I'm tired of hearing "you post pictures half naked for attention" no I post pictures showing my hard work& dedication. I am not always a 100% on top of my fitness but I do try my best. I don't do anything for attention I do it to help inspire others who struggle with their appearance to help them understand how much the gym has helped boost my confident and not only my confident but my health has well. All I want to do is help those who look in the mirror and feel ashamed of themselves feel better  because I've been there and I know how much it sucks to suffer with insecurities. I never even realized how good I look till I took those pictures lol. It takes time and a lot of dedication but trust me it's so worth it!! #fitness #gym #squats #gains
As you guys know I have been suffering from acne for a few months but I am so happy to say my acne is gone but unfortunately I have scarring. I started using the black African soap and I am using also the true-self organic skin clearing face wash. I also am applying curology bottle once at night. Due to the fact that my acne has gotten so much better I will not be starting accutane, there is way too many side effects and I much rather get rid of my scarring without medication. I will be applying lemon and honey to help remove my scarring. I will let you guys know how it goes!
Yesterday I basically got slut shamed on Twitter, told I have no morals because of that picture I put up with the white top & black bottom. Honestly, I am not hurt by it just bothered. I was very insecure about myself like extremely, I would idolize women with these voluptuous body types and be disgusted with my shape. With my tiny breast, small bum but you know what instead of hating myself I took my ass to the gym. I went through a lot of trial and error but I'm finally getting the hang of it, my butt is bigger, my waist is smaller, I am happy, I feel confident and if showing a bit of skin can motivate other females to be happy with themselves, to get motivated to workout then you know what your opinion doesn't matter my ass is still getting fatter. Instead of being depressed I did something about it and I'm very proud I haven't given up. Thank you to all the people who support me & have been with me through this journey, love ya

Yesterday, alllll of the stairs were occupied so I used this climber machine and boy did I feel it. Might start using it more often actually. Anyways..

  • 15 mins of climber machine for cardio
  • 15 kick backs alternating side kick backs so a totally of 12 each (12 kick backs, 12 side kicks on both sides) x 4
  • Followed by super set of 15 lunges on each side x 4
  • Leg extensions 15 reps x 4
  • Abductor machine: First I did 20 reps by sitting at the edge of the chair with around 125 # for 3 sets then I went heavier in sitting position but off the chair for another 15 reps for 3 sets
  •  2 sets of donkey kicks with 7.5 pounds. 20 on each side followed by 20 fire hydrants. You should feel the burn!
  • I ended with abs. 

Hey everyone!

I bet we have all been eating tons of fatty foods, tons of desert and alcohol. So I've decided to create a holiday weight loss challenge.

  • First weigh yourself- Take before pictures
  • Clean out your fridge (get rid of junk food, sugary drinks, any high in fat foods)
  • Go food shopping! This is my favorite. Look at my grocery list post. More veggies and lean meats. (on the right hand side after the pictures you should see it)
  • Start meal prepping- studies show that people who eat out consume an extra 200 calories.
  • Consume smaller portions- 6 small meals a day. 2 servings of veggies, 2 servings of fruit, 6oz of lean meats or fish. 
  • Find your favorite workout. If its kickboxing, strength training, swimming. ANYTHING that'll help you burn calories and no not just walking!
  • In 2 weeks take an after picture
  • Contact me sharolyner@gmail.com if you need any more help, have questions or would like to join herbalife or you just need some motivation.
The better you feel the happier you are! 
15 mins of stairs 

Reverse hack squat started w 15, 12, 10, 8 reps as I increase weight

Leg press 15, 12, 10 reps 

Side to side hops w 15 pounds 10 reps each side x 4

Deadlifts w 70 bar 10 reps x 4 

Finish w thigh abductor machine (I do them in a squat position so I am not really sitting. I push 265 and go on to 300 for 15-20 reps) 

Hey guys! Finals is finally over and I am back in the gym. I am aiming to go 5x a week over break. So if you knew me about 6months to a year back you would always hear me speaking about how I wanted to get my boobs done so badly or how I would always admire these women with hourglass bodies, the big boobs the small waist and big butts. But recently my views on getting surgery has changed. I just don't care for having big breast or getting lipo. I am learning everyday to be happy the way I am, to the love the shape I have and I must say the gym is what really has given me my confidence. I am learning to accept the way God has made me plus I'm only 20 I haven't even had kids yet so I'm sure my body will change. No shade for the people who do get surgery. It amazes me how talented some surgeons are and are able to help boost people's confidence. What I don't like is females who get done start working out and claim it's all natural, what you're doing is giving false hope to younger girls and increasing their insecurity issues. But I'm over wanting to look like something that's not done naturally. I will love my petite shape and just keep hitting the gym!

As you all know I am going crazy over this whole acne situation I have going on. I went to the dermatologist on Tuesday and they recommended I start acctuane. This was such great news to my ears! I've been wanting to start accutane and I was so ready to go to the dermatologist and put on a show but luckily I didn't have to. I've been doing a ton of research and it does have a ton of side effects a common one is the drying of the lips but honestly I am so desperate I can not wait to try it. If you're suffering from really bad acne ask your doctor about accutane. Unfortunately, I have to wait a month before I can get started. You have to take 2 pregnancy test, must be on birth control and cannot get pregnant well it's very important you don't because your child can come out with birth defects if you become pregnant while on this drug. They also draw blood. This is a very serious drug but if you do everything you are told you should be fine and have clear skin in no time! I will post up my journey and keep you guys updated on how it goes for me and what side effects I experience.
Once you distinguish this you will feel weird or feel like your daily routine is out of whack if you miss a day at the gym!
So I've been dealing with acne for the past few months. This literally all started around Id say June or August. Stress can really bring out the worse in you and unfortunately my stress appears on my face. It started with just a few pimples and now my cheeks are all broken out I have a tiny pit of acne on my forehead so don't wait to see a dermatologist. Go asap! I thought I could control it on my own and it only got worse. I do a ton of research on acne like everyday hours a day so that I can understand the root of it and how to get rid of it. But anyways I am on medication, and using a tropical cream that my dermatologist has prescribed for me. Honestly, it did nothing for my face NOTHING! I started using the Aztec clay mask w apple cider vinegar and I also use a toner with apple cider vinegar and chamomile tea. Not sure if I am seeing any improvements. But anyways I use the simplest of makeup oil free organic foundation, neutrogena blemish concealer, blush, mascara and lipstick. I am thorough with removing all my makeup when I workout and before bed. People really think it's just easy to walk out of your house w/o wearing making like they really don't understand how acne messes with your self esteem. I am not leaving my house if I can not wear makeup like I'm just not because I feel ugly and gross. So stop telling me I have to stop wearing makeup unless I get to stay home and you're paying me or passing my classes for me. 
I have a challenge for you guys. First, wow its December! Well this challenge will be for people who are looking to lose some weight. What you need is a partner, a friend, mother, father, sibling, anyone else who is looking to lose weight. So here is what you do the winner who loses the most pounds by Dec. 31 gets a free drink for every pound lost, doesn't that sound fun! If you both lose the same amount of pounds well I guess you'll be buying each other drinks and celebrating together! I would like to get feed back on people trying this challenge. Xoxo!

I do challenge you to 100 body weight squats and 20 sec pulses are squats!
I have been sooooo busy with school and baking. As I mentioned on my last post I have only been hitting the gym once a week in the past 2 weeks and this has really been stressing me out. I have been eating a lot of junk like A LOT! Especially sweets and I notice how it is affecting my gains and it sucks. I hope to get back into my routine and hit the gym at least 3x this week because my body needs it. I will post some workouts. I am thinking of posting a back workout switch it up a little. Stay tuned!
I have been so exhausted lately. With school, work, my baking, I didn't even get to workout all week. I finally hit the gym today! And boy did that feel great. I just feel so tired and I honestly am having a mental breakdown. I have so much to do all the time. I need a vacation. 

  • Leg curls 6 sets of 8reps
  • Squats 5 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell walking lunges 6 sets of 6 reps
  • One leg cable kick backs 6 sets of 8 reps
  • Front squat 6 sets of 6 reps
  • Stiff leg deadlifts 5 sets of 6 reps
  • Thigh adductor 6 sets of 8 reps
This workout is pretty long. It's from the squat challenge ebook (which I've been following for about 2 months now) You can always adjust the sets and reps.

*If you are a beginner do 3-4 sets of 10. Note that the higher the reps the less the weight, the lesser the reps the more weight.

Hope you get a kick ass workout to start your weekend! xoxo
I feel like everything in life is about balance. I know I am very into fitness and being healthy but I am also a girl who loves to eat pizza, tacos, her rice & beans so depriving myself from these foods is always hard for me. I do try to eat as healthy possible. I do not drink anything but water and protein smoothies. NO CANDY, NO CHIPS or JUNK food  (I do eat cupcakes & brownies here and there) but see I won't eat a cupcake every time bake or I won't eat a burger for lunch and then have rice and beans for dinner. Always try to make sure whatever you're eating has some nutritional value instead of just eating what we call empty calories (foods with no nutritional value) It is all about balancing your meals so you won't find it hard to eat better or want to give up on being in shape. For example if I know my mom is making rice & beans for dinners I'll have a salad for lunch or I'll make sure its leg day because the extra carbs are necessary. Or sometimes you just have to skip out of the rice & beans and have some veggies or serve yourself a bigger portion of veggies and a little bit of rice. I am not sponsored by a fitness company nor do I breathe, eat, live fitness as much as I would like to, I am a regular girl just trying to be in shape and feel confident with herself and I am just trying the best that I can.
When I began to be interested in fitness I followed a ton of workout pages and I noticed a lot of the women would wear waist trainers. I decided to try it; I purchased my waist trainer for $60. I honestly tried it for a day or 2 and gave up lol. But I woke up today like hey I want to challenge myself and waist train for an entire month! I know a ton of people are against this but I am going to try it anyways. I will be tracking my results; I am already pretty slim but let's see how dramatic this will be. I want to give you guys some tips if you're interested in doing this challenge with me. First, buy a waist trainer that you will feel comfortable in. Start off slow! Try wearing your waist trainer for 1-2 hrs the first day (it might feel uncomfortable but you should not feel like you can't breathe) Slowly increase your time in wearing it by 15-30 mins each day until you can wear it for 8 hrs a day. You might feel crabby (I've been wearing my waist trainer today for about 4 hrs but only because I've waist trained before! And I feel crabby, like I'm hungry but it goes away) but simply remove it or try to ignore it. Also, you can rub vicks on your belly. It will feel a bit intense so just be cautious but you will burn more fat. I am attaching a link that is great on the do's & dont's on waist training. You can always email me if you have questions. http://www.waisttrainerhub.com/dos-and-donts-of-waist-training/